Monday, August 11, 2008

July 14, 2008

Dear Mom,

Guess what? I got made district leader! Not exactly what I wanted...but I guess the Lord wants me to get working down here. It's funny because I used to say it'd be cool to be DL or ZL...but I've seen too much to make me wary of leadership. I have to do numbers now...not fun at all! AHHH!!! So I'm 'guaranteed' a few transfers more here...and then I hope I get moved to Spanish like President suggested! That'd be so awesome! I miss Spanish work already!

So my zone leader Elder Swann got AP'd so the other zonie Boyce (who was at BYU with me and at the MTC with me for a little bit) was stuck with us for most of last week. It was a blast! I can see why he went from junior comp to junior ZL without being DL. He's so charismatic, friendly, but really knows why he's here. We got to work not only our area in Van Nuys, but a lot over in Northridge. A lot of driving, no doubt. It was very crazy being here and there all day, but it was loads of fun with him with us. It was one crazy but super blessed week!

I got to talk to my recent converts, with presidential approval, and it made me miss them a lot more. The Cardenas are doing well and they miss me because I can speak Spanish. My replacements can't communicate very well, Yadira told me. She said, maybe you'll move back up here soon! (That'd be awesome! was what I was thinking). But, they're doing well. Their twins got sick last week, so they're recovering. They were preemies and they're now five years old apiece, but still have some health problems due to the constantly changing weather. The Jaimes are doing well, they're actually going to church and staying at church for all three hours. That's a huge improvement. Diana, the daughter I baptized, said she's learning so much and she loves it. She told me all is well, it's just all new to them. I asked how the other elders were treating them, and she didn't say much except that it's tough for them to communicate to her family. At least Lynn has to speak more because his comp's Spanish is as bad as his and I'm not his crutch. Yeah! Hooray for learning on the run!

We got a great media referral! Her name is Susan Lar, and she's Filipino. We have a lot of them here now that I think of it. She's Christian, and has never had her questions answered like we have answered them. She said that at work, over at UCLA hospital, she saw the Restoration movie online and she said she knows that Joseph Smith was a prophet. So that was our first visit, and I was completely taken aback. The next one was even better! She somehow got onto talking about repentance and how she felt like she was a sinner, that when she tried to commit suicide she got put into the hospital. She said she looked at her feet and saw hell, like fire and brimstone stuff. Intense! She said she prayed so hard and fervently that she felt an overwhelming joy. It was inspiration, we turned to Alma chapter 36, when Alma the Younger was recounting his conversion to his son Helaman. Susan said, the Book of Mormon has to be true if I can relate to it! She said she believed as soon as we finished reading it. But, we committed her to pray about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, to receive a spiritual witness. How amazing is that? A golden investigator via Bible referral, we don't get much of those!

Mike Price wants to delay his baptism, and that's fine. He knows it is the path he wants to take. His grandmother even sent a Baptist missionary to try to convince him otherwise, but he said no thanks. He was raised Baptist. He's having a hard time convincing himself that all will be fine. He's currently living in sin with a very less active member (a really annoying member of the bishopric chastised us for using 'inactive' in a really condescending manner so we have to avoid saying that now) and he wants to know if he moves out and is baptized...God will provide for them. We assured him that all will work out, but he has to take that step of faith to move out. He'll probably move out of our ward, but it'll be the best for him. We read some scriptures, and helped encourage him to use his faith and take that 'leap of faith' that we taught a few weeks ago. He'll do it, but he'll need a lot of help. He's just a great man!

On top of that, we did a lot of service ripping up floorboards for a potential investigator. She's moving her gym from one place to another that's a bit smaller but is better financially. So we went there and ripped up floorboards with a big crowbar as well as patched up the walls. It was so exhausting! I was sore for a few days, considering that we did it Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning! It was a good learning experience- STAY IN SCHOOL!

We had a zone testimony meeting at the famous Rock, the mission's ocean lookout by Malibu. It was good, but some of my fellow elders advised people to be themself. Funny thing that these elders don't work hard and love to rationalize with 'I'm called to be here to be myself so I'll be lazy'. It went well, but I got a little sunburned. We had a great and filling lunch at a local Colombian restaurant. It was hilarious because Erickson asked the waitress if they had horchata, a Mexican drink. Her mouth dropped and said 'we're colombians' with an attitude. I

So moving on...

I almost died of laughter! IDIOT! My other buddies Sara and Tayler were busting up laughing too...but they kept most of it in. HILARIOUS! Darn gringos!

We had a great lesson with Betsy Miller, our less active. She really wants to come back to church, but she knows she has to change and repent. So we went over the Plan of Salvation and focused a lot on the Atonement. It was from the heart. I loved it. The Spirit was THERE! We had two sisters from Relief Society, Sister Ballard and Twaits (the latter's husband can SING! He's a stage actor). I had no doubt that Betsy was touched by our testimonies and the Gospel. She's coming back, and I'm very pleased to know that I'll help her get back to church! It reminds me now of D&C 18:10, how great are the worth of souls in the sight of God, how if we bring but one soul back to him, how great will be our joy! I can't wait to see her go to church, when she feels ready to. Miracles are going to happen in this area...I know it and feel it.

My new companion is Elder Woods, a shade taller than me. And a little strange, but he likes to work so it's really good for me. I'm excited! This is my second time being senior over someone that came out with me. Strange ain't it? And I love Erickson...but I'm kinda happy he's leaving because he's so dramatic and drives me nuts! But I love him a lot! We did a lot of wonderful things here!

Elder Boyce is my favorite! I can't wait to serve under him...he's going to show me the ropes. He's hilarious because him and I share a strong dislike for my former DL, Elder Tighe. Tighe likes to put down and scold people and he really gets to me. He's nice, but really annoying. So Boyce went on exchanges on Friday with him and came back frustrated and happy to be with us. I buzzed on the apartment com and he came out in a second! Haha, wonder why? He told us a lot of stuff, and he thought it was annoying but hilarious that a DL was calling a ZL to repentance on planning...because the ZL is there because he is a good missionary, most times better than a DL for sure. He looks serious, but he is just a great missionary and friend! And, he got Elder Wilcox as his comp, my fave roomie so far! I'm so happy that they're training me to be a good DL!

Life is getting better! I know miracles are in store here!

I hope all is well, I love you all!


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