Friday, July 18, 2008

June 23, 2008

Dear Irvines,

Oh teenagers...there always has to be a black sheep in the family. I can't believe he was using crude language...that is unacceptable. Where does he think he is? His phone did need to get taken away! About his phone...what did you and Dad come up with? Did you all decide yes, or no? Can you let me know? I'll ask President Goodrich to see if I can call you later this week to find's SO VERY IMPORTANT! And you don't have to worry, I won't text message, or make unnecessary calls, or use crude language. How did you know he was using bad language anyways? A high text phone bill that meant an inspection? Teenagers think they can get away with anything...and just let Steven know that I'm really disappointed in him and that most of all, His Father in heaven is really disappointed. I'd read a talk from one of the priesthood sessions to whip him into shape, A Royal Priesthood by Pres. Monson. It woke me up from my slumber.

By the way, it's been 112, 115, 116....degrees Fahrenheit the past few days. No fun!

I'm so happy that you got my pictures...and I had no idea about the flat rate box. I just don't connect things easily. And, I was in a rush and only saw a few boxes lying around. Sorry! I'll do it next time! Just to say, we see a lot of shopping carts around here. If I took pictures of every cart I saw, I'd use up a memory card easily. Some missionaries have tried, and have failed. Too many!

This week has been spectacular! Work, work, work, there is no better substitute! We have been pretty diligent and pretty obedient, and we've seen so many great blessings! Our best investigator, Joy Sabrine, is almost ready to receive a baptismal commitment. I really love it! We stopped by her house, and she felt bad because we didn't tell her we were going to pass by (we couldn't get a hold of her for the past week) and so Tuesday night was a surprise visit. We go over there, help her resolve her tiny doubt about the Sabbath day. It was nothing at all! She accepted it. I was a bit shocked. Wow. But then, she said it's because she was praying for a job that'd give her weekends free (including Sunday). But, she didn't go to church for two weeks, so she got a part-time job instead of a full-time one. She recognized that the Lord blessed her according to her efforts, her half-hearted efforts. She told us that she made a commitment to come to church, to show that faith in the Lord to be able to find a full-time job. That was 'easy'! Then, on top of that, we just listened to her testimony for almost half an hour. There's no doubt she knows who is her loving Savior, what He did for her, and what He means to her. She touched us both when she recounted her crying and pleading at night to help her, to get her out of bad situations and most of all, to be there for her. If only the world had her faith and humility to recognize that sometimes, we have to rely on the Lord. That was one of our highlights this past was indescribable! She's on the doorstep of baptism, I can feel it! And, she came to church yesterday! Even better!

One of our other prime ones, Mike Price, tried to make it to church but his car battery died as he was pulling out of his apartment complex. Sad! But, he's applying all that he learns to his life, and is looking to move on and move forward. He's in a rough spot, living with a long-time less active member, and they're about to split up for good. However, he still wants us to pass's sad to know he's moving out of our area to another set of elders who I have little trust for. The Lord prepares His chosen, and will provide a way for Mike to progress.

As the week went on, we received many blessings! Especially during contacting on the streets. Friday was straight up eye-opening. Most, if not all, our appointments weren't set. How weird? So, we figured to go and find people. Erickson had been prompted all day to find this referral that lives on a certain street, Bellaire, and yet...we lost her address and forgot her name! So we drive to the street, find the apartment building (we dropped by there once before) and put our trust in God to find this person, whatever their name is. I know right now Mom you're thinking, what idiots! Yup, we're 20 year olds with no idea what we're doing here! We walk up to the door, playing a guessing game. 'Is her name Janice? or Janet?' said I. Erickson said it had to be Margaret and her daughter Ann. I said Janice or Janet and Ann. Started with a J, and the daughter with an A. We knock on the door, and a woman answers through the screen door (can't see who we're talking with). Erickson was like, 'well, this is going to sound absolutely crazy but...we're looking for a woman and a daughter that were referred to us the missionaries' and so on. He guessed Margaret and Ann, and I said Janet? We were wrong: Jackie and April! She was so funny! After two guesses she told us who she was and who were were looking for and let us in, 'I just wanted to see you guess'. She was really nice to us. Her deceased mother was LDS, and her daughter April was baptized back when. She, Jackie, wasn't. But, she's warm to us. So, we set an appointment (which fell through since everyone had to work the next day) and I really feel good about this one. If you listen, the Lord will provide. We went contacting in the heat, about 112 degrees, for an hour. Really hot, but as we talked to people I didn't really care. We talked to a black woman named Barbara Sneed, so I asked her, 'are you from the South?' and she said she was from New York, but her husband was from West Virginia. So I asked if she was from Harlem, she said 'yes how did you know?' 'I guessed, and I'm from Maryland.' We talked about how unique our message is, how prophets do live today to lead and guide us, and she was open to us. But, we couldn't get her information because she wanted to talk to her husband first to see if we could come over. Then we found out she lives in LA, so we'd have to send other ones to visit her. We said this and she was like, 'why not you two? You two are very nice!' Erickson quipped, 'well they're probably better than us two' and she disagreed. We gave her our information, and we have the hope she'll get in contact with the missionaries over there. Then, a just-as-good-if-not-better contact, Margarita. In Spanish, my favorite language. We talked for a bit, in the shade, and about the Book of Mormon, about prophets, about how families can be united by this message guided by the Lord's prophet, and she was a bit cool to us at first. But as we talked, the Spirit touched her. She was curious, but not curious enough to give us her information. We gave her a card, and asked if she had ever read it (Erickson is adept- he asked her that super fast!). She said 'no, but I was always curious about it. My aunt was Mormon and she had it around everywhere. I've never read it but I'm curious.' We happily went over it quickly, and gave her the card to call. I felt bad we couldn't get their information, but we let them choose to follow the Spirit, or not to. We did our part. As we walked back, Erickson remarked, 'what other time will we be doing this? Contacting in shirts and ties in 100 degree weather?' Never...which saddens me. He said it was weird because it clicked- he said his dad most likely did this too...when would he ever be doing something like this? It was really a great experience. We were on cloud nine!

We've been so busy! It was a weird Sunday, to be honest. We drove around, trying to find people and trying to find investigators we could bring to a president's fireside, but no luck. So we had to give a ride to some other elders who are on bike back home, so we went to it anyways and called people from the church. I saw some of my old members from Arleta! The Ortega's who are now expecting a child! They're so cool! Hermana Ortega's brother, Hno. Godinez (I forgot he slurred his words- I was really confused at what he was saying to me) was so awesome! I got to see my old ward! I miss Spanish work so much already! They were surprised at how much Spanish I speak now, 'gift of tongues' they said. That's the true gift. And Erickson found out his recent convert is getting sealed in the temple in it was good we went over there even though we didn't have anyone there!

The work is moving forth, and I'm so blessed to be here! I love the members, I'm slowly getting to know them, and I want to be here for a bit...but I miss Spanish work so much! The Lord's will, not mine, be done.

I hope all is well, or is getting better. 'Don't worry, be happy!'

Well, I'm waiting for your response about the phone...yea or nay? :)


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