Monday, July 28, 2008

June 30, 2008

Dear Mom,

We had an amazing week! I can't believe it's gone by this fast! I still feel like it's still the beginning of the transfer...but I'm two weeks away from the end! Ah!

Our investigators are doing well, and yesterday two of them came to church! A big black man, Mike Price, and our steady one Joy Sabrine. We had a sweet lesson with Mike this week. So we get there and want to give the Law of Chastity talk, and that actually went well. We loaded a lot on his plate. Word of Wisdom to start, a brief overview of the Law of Chastity because he read the pamphlet we gave him about it, and then about authority to baptize. Somehow it went that way...but it was a great lesson! He was overwhelmed at the end, but he needed to hear it. He was shocked, that his baptism meant nothing, and he said he'll pray about it to know whether it is right to be baptized (not again, but by the right authority). It was sweet! He is really humble, and really wants to change. He said he wasted his life away as a youth, and he wants to come closer to God. He prayed in front of us, when we asked him to, and it was a sincere prayer. 'Lord, I know this is the right path and I want to know if I need to be baptized again and that Joseph Smith was a prophet.' Wow! As for Joy, we got to meet with her too. It was almost just as great! We go in there, and start teaching about prayer and how it is so very important. We committed her to pray right then and there in front of us, so we could see if she really is praying to know whether the Book of Mormon is the word of God and if Joseph Smith was a immediate answer, but we saw she wants to know. An answer will come, we'll have to wait for His timing.

We had a great lesson with an investigator we've been trying to get a hold of- Donna Caballero. She's having a lot of family problems, just the fact that her two teenage sons are into drugs and that stuff. We sat her down, with two of our members there (who live three doors down from her), and shared the Restoration lesson, with a focus and emphasis on families. She broke down right there and cried. She wants to find that peace that we have, and I know she will. She wants to increase her spirituality, because she hit rock bottom. She knows now she needs the Spirit, and that guide she's missing. I see great potential in her, and I hope that everything will turn out well, that she will stop crying due to sadness but to cry for joy for these great news. Wow....what a great week it has been!

I went on exchanges with the zone leaders, and it went well. I was a little lost without my companion, but we did very well. I led one of the lessons, and I felt alone. But, my boy Elder Boyce had my back. English is easy, but I felt inadequate and insecure. I know I have to improve my confidence again, and it'll take time. We got along, and did well. We visited a family from Arleta ward that invited me over to eat lunch. The Garcia family, who I've kept in contact for all of my mission. They're moving to Texas so we had one last get together, with my old district buddies Elders Foust and Pace. It was bittersweet, but we had a great time! Said our good-byes, but it was a great time to spend with them.

Every day brings something new. Always. We always talk to someone that's prepared for the Gospel, or has the chance to accept or reject it. We just give them that chance to do so. We've had so much success together, touching people's hearts, sharing the Gospel, planting that seed. It's too bad we can't watch it grow. But, it's the Lord's work, not the work of any man. I'm so tired though!

Our members are really warming up to us. I really love them. Yesterday, we had two great lessons with two of our member families. The Dutton's were so funny, yet very spiritual, and the Nygren's are very personable and practical. It was sweet! My poor comp has been sick, so he didn't eat much...but we had a great time! We read from 3rd Nephi 11 with the Dutton's, and the Spirit just filled the room. It was so awesome! We were all just touched at that point, when Christ commanded the people to go and touch him, to feel the prints of the nails and in his feet. They shared their testimonies, and it was an edifying experience. Sister Dutton was frank, saying she knows that she has a lot to improve and she's looking forward to improving herself until Christ comes. She's so funny! Brother Dutton said he prays a lot for Christ to come, so we could all be in his loving presence again and avoid all this evil in the world. His daughter (he re-married) Reanna bore her witness of how the Plan of Salvation really has helped her life. Talk about being spiritual, they just brought him in even more! The Nygrens were really cool. We got along, talking about stuff, and we asked if they read Preach My Gospel, and they did! Surprise! So we were puzzled, like 'for real they read it? what do we do now?' looks. We figured out to let them pick out a chapter to study and apply, and they were all for it! The wife works in Cedar Sinai, where Dennis Quaid took his twins for health reasons. Celebrity-ridden hospital indeed. They're so awesome.

This week has been 'bomb-diggity'. I love this work! We're getting so much work done here in Van Nuys, it's ridonkulous!

I'm glad to hear all is well, and I can't wait to hear from you again!


Friday, July 18, 2008

June 23, 2008

Dear Irvines,

Oh teenagers...there always has to be a black sheep in the family. I can't believe he was using crude language...that is unacceptable. Where does he think he is? His phone did need to get taken away! About his phone...what did you and Dad come up with? Did you all decide yes, or no? Can you let me know? I'll ask President Goodrich to see if I can call you later this week to find's SO VERY IMPORTANT! And you don't have to worry, I won't text message, or make unnecessary calls, or use crude language. How did you know he was using bad language anyways? A high text phone bill that meant an inspection? Teenagers think they can get away with anything...and just let Steven know that I'm really disappointed in him and that most of all, His Father in heaven is really disappointed. I'd read a talk from one of the priesthood sessions to whip him into shape, A Royal Priesthood by Pres. Monson. It woke me up from my slumber.

By the way, it's been 112, 115, 116....degrees Fahrenheit the past few days. No fun!

I'm so happy that you got my pictures...and I had no idea about the flat rate box. I just don't connect things easily. And, I was in a rush and only saw a few boxes lying around. Sorry! I'll do it next time! Just to say, we see a lot of shopping carts around here. If I took pictures of every cart I saw, I'd use up a memory card easily. Some missionaries have tried, and have failed. Too many!

This week has been spectacular! Work, work, work, there is no better substitute! We have been pretty diligent and pretty obedient, and we've seen so many great blessings! Our best investigator, Joy Sabrine, is almost ready to receive a baptismal commitment. I really love it! We stopped by her house, and she felt bad because we didn't tell her we were going to pass by (we couldn't get a hold of her for the past week) and so Tuesday night was a surprise visit. We go over there, help her resolve her tiny doubt about the Sabbath day. It was nothing at all! She accepted it. I was a bit shocked. Wow. But then, she said it's because she was praying for a job that'd give her weekends free (including Sunday). But, she didn't go to church for two weeks, so she got a part-time job instead of a full-time one. She recognized that the Lord blessed her according to her efforts, her half-hearted efforts. She told us that she made a commitment to come to church, to show that faith in the Lord to be able to find a full-time job. That was 'easy'! Then, on top of that, we just listened to her testimony for almost half an hour. There's no doubt she knows who is her loving Savior, what He did for her, and what He means to her. She touched us both when she recounted her crying and pleading at night to help her, to get her out of bad situations and most of all, to be there for her. If only the world had her faith and humility to recognize that sometimes, we have to rely on the Lord. That was one of our highlights this past was indescribable! She's on the doorstep of baptism, I can feel it! And, she came to church yesterday! Even better!

One of our other prime ones, Mike Price, tried to make it to church but his car battery died as he was pulling out of his apartment complex. Sad! But, he's applying all that he learns to his life, and is looking to move on and move forward. He's in a rough spot, living with a long-time less active member, and they're about to split up for good. However, he still wants us to pass's sad to know he's moving out of our area to another set of elders who I have little trust for. The Lord prepares His chosen, and will provide a way for Mike to progress.

As the week went on, we received many blessings! Especially during contacting on the streets. Friday was straight up eye-opening. Most, if not all, our appointments weren't set. How weird? So, we figured to go and find people. Erickson had been prompted all day to find this referral that lives on a certain street, Bellaire, and yet...we lost her address and forgot her name! So we drive to the street, find the apartment building (we dropped by there once before) and put our trust in God to find this person, whatever their name is. I know right now Mom you're thinking, what idiots! Yup, we're 20 year olds with no idea what we're doing here! We walk up to the door, playing a guessing game. 'Is her name Janice? or Janet?' said I. Erickson said it had to be Margaret and her daughter Ann. I said Janice or Janet and Ann. Started with a J, and the daughter with an A. We knock on the door, and a woman answers through the screen door (can't see who we're talking with). Erickson was like, 'well, this is going to sound absolutely crazy but...we're looking for a woman and a daughter that were referred to us the missionaries' and so on. He guessed Margaret and Ann, and I said Janet? We were wrong: Jackie and April! She was so funny! After two guesses she told us who she was and who were were looking for and let us in, 'I just wanted to see you guess'. She was really nice to us. Her deceased mother was LDS, and her daughter April was baptized back when. She, Jackie, wasn't. But, she's warm to us. So, we set an appointment (which fell through since everyone had to work the next day) and I really feel good about this one. If you listen, the Lord will provide. We went contacting in the heat, about 112 degrees, for an hour. Really hot, but as we talked to people I didn't really care. We talked to a black woman named Barbara Sneed, so I asked her, 'are you from the South?' and she said she was from New York, but her husband was from West Virginia. So I asked if she was from Harlem, she said 'yes how did you know?' 'I guessed, and I'm from Maryland.' We talked about how unique our message is, how prophets do live today to lead and guide us, and she was open to us. But, we couldn't get her information because she wanted to talk to her husband first to see if we could come over. Then we found out she lives in LA, so we'd have to send other ones to visit her. We said this and she was like, 'why not you two? You two are very nice!' Erickson quipped, 'well they're probably better than us two' and she disagreed. We gave her our information, and we have the hope she'll get in contact with the missionaries over there. Then, a just-as-good-if-not-better contact, Margarita. In Spanish, my favorite language. We talked for a bit, in the shade, and about the Book of Mormon, about prophets, about how families can be united by this message guided by the Lord's prophet, and she was a bit cool to us at first. But as we talked, the Spirit touched her. She was curious, but not curious enough to give us her information. We gave her a card, and asked if she had ever read it (Erickson is adept- he asked her that super fast!). She said 'no, but I was always curious about it. My aunt was Mormon and she had it around everywhere. I've never read it but I'm curious.' We happily went over it quickly, and gave her the card to call. I felt bad we couldn't get their information, but we let them choose to follow the Spirit, or not to. We did our part. As we walked back, Erickson remarked, 'what other time will we be doing this? Contacting in shirts and ties in 100 degree weather?' Never...which saddens me. He said it was weird because it clicked- he said his dad most likely did this too...when would he ever be doing something like this? It was really a great experience. We were on cloud nine!

We've been so busy! It was a weird Sunday, to be honest. We drove around, trying to find people and trying to find investigators we could bring to a president's fireside, but no luck. So we had to give a ride to some other elders who are on bike back home, so we went to it anyways and called people from the church. I saw some of my old members from Arleta! The Ortega's who are now expecting a child! They're so cool! Hermana Ortega's brother, Hno. Godinez (I forgot he slurred his words- I was really confused at what he was saying to me) was so awesome! I got to see my old ward! I miss Spanish work so much already! They were surprised at how much Spanish I speak now, 'gift of tongues' they said. That's the true gift. And Erickson found out his recent convert is getting sealed in the temple in it was good we went over there even though we didn't have anyone there!

The work is moving forth, and I'm so blessed to be here! I love the members, I'm slowly getting to know them, and I want to be here for a bit...but I miss Spanish work so much! The Lord's will, not mine, be done.

I hope all is well, or is getting better. 'Don't worry, be happy!'

Well, I'm waiting for your response about the phone...yea or nay? :)


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

June 16, 2008

Dear the always wonderful Irvine family,

I just sent off a package full of old letters and stuff from the MTC that also has a CD with a ton of pictures on they're coming eventually. I sent it last p-day (last Monday). Y'all should be getting it soon...hopefully by parcel post. Whatever that means. Thunderstorms? You never hear thunder nor see lightning ever out here in's kinda weird. It's just super dry here. And I'm pumped about the Celtics taking the championship, they just have to fend off the Lakers for two more games, just need one more! So many Lakers fans out here and I am proud to say I'm from the East Coast- Go Celtics! I'm hoping that Ray Allen, KG and #34 Paul Pierce get their championship rings. I heard (via hotline call TELL ME where it's free to get sports info over the phone) that the Celtics lost...but it's 3-2. Celtics still have a chance to seal it off. Yes! I don't like Kobe for his attitude and all the hype he gets, no one can ever be MJ.

And just a plea from the elder! May I please have a cell phone out here? We are always out and about, and sometimes it'd be really nice to have a cell phone. I won't use many minutes a month, just for setting up member presents on the go...seeing if people are home (potential investigators) and knowing about canceled appointments right when things come'd be SUCH a luxury to have! I'll have to talk to President about it, but it'd really help! No texting or Internet is allowed, and I don't need it anyways. I just need a cell phone to use so we can operate more freely, cuz it's a lot of miles to go back and forth to see if someone canceled or if something happened...Can you please think about it...and get me one? Please? Pretty please? It'd help out a lot here! I'll send money from MSF card back home so you don't have to worry about'd be a valuable asset here on the go.

This coming week is going to be HOT. Real hot. Tomorrow and Wednesday are going to be 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and the rest of the week will be about 85 and maybe a 95 somewhere in there. Not looking forward to stepping outside, but then again I'm in a car area. Not too hard.

I'm starting to get to know the members here in this ward. They live all over the darn place, and it takes a while to get from one house in Panorama City through traffic all the way down to NoHo (North Hollywood). Traffic really stinks down here. It's really funny because the Valley is just one huge city. One big suburb, with some ghettos here and there. But back when, it used to be separate cities. Northridge had the citrus trees, some other place had milk, that farm atmosphere. But, it's all changed. The members here say it's way too crowded, and I feel that way too. I really enjoy English work because I feel more at home and more among family, but the work is really tough. A lot of potential investigators but no progressing investigators. People are so busy here it makes life difficult for a missionary.

News flash: Elder Irvine is NOT from the Phillipines so NO he does NOT speak Tagalog. Nor does he speak Korean or Japanese, just English and Spanish. Weird, eh?

I'm the newest Filipino in the ward now. Isn't that interesting? I get a new nationality everywhere I go! Chinito, Filipino, what's next?

One of the members, Brother Ballard (who is in a wheelchair), told us a hilarious Canada joke. He asked us how Canada got their name, what the heck is Canada? So Canadians gathered 'round a hat with letters in it. First one picks a letter, 'C, eh?'. Then, 'N, eh?' then 'D, eh?'. I died of laughter cuz there are a few Canadian missionaries down here.

This past week was a blur, but the highlights! The Ultimate Highlight brought to you by: The Church of...just kidding.

Friday night we found out we needed to pull off an emergency move of an excommunicated member (there's a lot of them out here!) the following day, so we got our district and Erickson got a member from the Mission Hills ward to help us out. We get to the trailer park, and it was straight up disgusting. Can't go into detail of how nasty it was. That was an eye-opening experience. So we got some of their stuff moved out into a U-Haul truck and left them to their own business. We got back, showered for a while (it was really disgusting) and threw our clothes in the washer and dryer in the complex. We went to the bishop to tell the grim news and he wasn't surprised. He didn't know about the conditions and all, but he's dealt with that stuff before. So the only thing I can say is that we'll probably have to get the government involved and clear it all out. That kind of disgusting. It was an interesting day to say the least. We ended our Saturday with a very fun time with a less active couple, the Smiths. We quoted movies, ate hot dogs and chips, talked about our hobbies, passions, interests, our backgrounds, and we really hit it off with them. The wife is a Polish convert, and the husband is an RM who served in her branch. She got baptized, he met her when he was transferred there, and then they wrote each other when he got home...long story... but they got married after a long time because to marry a Polish citizen, one must have government permission. But they're awesome! Just use the excuse, 'we're not fellowshipped' when they have been. We have that problem here. So the wife loves Jane Austen stuff, so we got along very well. Erickson loves that so much more than me, so he was naming this and that...I was lost. We had a great time with them, and I feel that we'll get them back to church more regularly. They came the past two weeks!

Sunday was great! I wasn't feeling great at all, just a bit under the weather for some odd reason, but I decided to go to church to learn. I've closed my mind sometimes because I felt in Spanish work that the members go through the motions (they do a lot but not all the time) and I got sick of it. But, when I put my effort into learning, I learned a lot. About prayer. About the importance of uplifting music. About the priesthood and my covenant with the Lord. I learned that we should ALWAYS have a prayer in our hearts, since a lot of scriptures say 'pray always' and 'keep a prayer in your hearts' now I am starting to understand it a lot more. I really felt the Spirit, I felt great, and it really made a great day! We left church to bless Bro. Ballard's wife, who was super sick. She had a hoarse voice and it hurt a was sad to see her in a lot of pain. But, we gave her a blessing, and I was grateful that Bro. Ballard asked us to do that for him and his wife. They trusted us right off the bat, and that's not easy here in English work. We then went to eat sopes (so-pays) at Jessica's (she's crazy!) and off to work! We talked to so many people, so many Latinos, and I felt good. I never realized the importance of opening my mouth to preach the Gospel to everyone. Yeah, contacting is rough, awkward sometimes. But, it's necessary to get over shyness and speak. Erickson showed me the example, and I followed him. We were able to talk to a lot of people, and hopefully someday they'll be an Alberto or Yadira Cardenas. Alberto was stopped countless times in the street, only to refuse the missionaries. Five years later...he accepted baptism. I am just beginning to realize the greatness of this work, of doing the little things to find the elect.

We have a good investigator, but is in a rough spot. Mike Price used to play football, and now he's retired and trying to start his own business...but it's rough with the economic downturn. And, he's living with one of our less active members who wants to kick him out. So we don't know what's going to happen...but he is applying what he learns to his life. He is trying to live Alma 32 about faith and knowing that this is good. He feels good doing these things we invite him to do. We know he's ready, but he just needs a push to go to church and to move out. We'll have to consult the Lord to see what we specifically need to do for him. But, he's our best shot at a baptism. I'm really hoping it'll all go well.

One other investigator, Joy, got a job that works her on Sundays so we're going to see how we can fix that problem, or help her fix it (much easier isn't it?). But, I really think if we get over this hurdle, she'll be baptized. She has so much faith, wants to believe, she's been to church since January...she just needs an answer to her prayers and to take that step of no work on Sunday. We'll see what happens.

This ward is so diverse...we have all kinds of nationalities, and backgrounds. But the Gospel is the same...and I love it. The Church is restored, and truly exists in our day. It bridges anger and differences, and really blesses us with peace and with many countless blessings.

I love this work! I love this ward! I'm getting to know people slowly, and it's really helping me feel better about English work.

Think about the cell phone, it'd be really nice to have (HINT HINT!). You know I wouldn't be asking a favor if it weren't important...would I? Thanks for being considerate! Do whatever is right...I just have my opinions!

I love you all, and stay safe!
