Saturday, January 17, 2009

September 29, 2008

Dear Mom,

I admit that it was weird that Dad called me right before we were going back home for curfew and so I could record district numbers then to fax it to the zonies. I see Woods throw the phone to me and I see 'DON' on it...I was like...Dad? Some other missionaries we ran into on the street were with us and one of them, Elder Larsen, asked, 'who is it?' I said, 'my dad!' So I talked to Dad a little and he just wanted to say hi...that was really a great surprise. I loved it. Larsen had to ask, 'do you get that often?' to which I said 'no.' Haha, a very pleasant surprise indeed!

Elder Woods and I cashed in our checks today so we are LOADED with moolah! Haha, not much. If I keep getting parking tickets it'll drain fast. But, I've really paid special attention to the signs so I doubt I'll get another one. Today we went around taking pictures at the local Catholic mission (been there since 1757 supposedly) and I was going to pay admission to get inside the grounds...but it didn't look really special so we took pictures in the local garden and outside the mission. Really pretty though. I liked it. We found a big chair outside a furniture store and we got pictures there. I'm tired from driving around, but it's a good day to goof off I guess. And, I got a haircut!

Surprise! My third companion, McGahee, got ET'd up to the desert again. Two weeks in Palmdale, three weeks here, then back up to the desert. A Tongan missionary got angry at this other white chubby kid and laid three knockout punches on his face, sending him to the ER with six stitches. The white kid was in my zone before and I don't like him, so I thought he deserved it. So McGahee got a call right before lunch as we're heading home and it was President Goodrich, so we knew he was gone yet again. He was a bit incensed at the fact he never got to finish this transfer in one area, but he was pleased to know that mission president trusts him enough to settle things down. Good luck with that kid Cotti up there. Woods was sad too but he was happy that McGahee was going to go to his old area because after he left there have been some not-so-good elders up there.

Week rewind!

Sunday was pretty busy. We went to church, the wonderful Van Nuys 1st testimony meeting where a woman of Jewish descent was remarking about Pres. Uchtdorf. She said she was a bit unsure about him, being German, but she said 'I'm sure that he's not a Nazi and here to kill off the Jews.' That's something that'll keep you awake. We didn't have Gospel Principles again because we don't have a teacher nor investigators to come to (for the first time since I've been here we had zero investigators to church, but we did get our recent convert to come back to church). We took McGahee to say good-bye to Betsy right after our morning meeting before sacrament, and left class early for him to say his final good-bye to the Lunas...then we got home so the AP's could take him up to Leona Valley. I took a well-needed nap then to work! We ate with the really cool Black family and got to eat delicious pork roast that just fell apart as you jabbed at it...these people know how to cook! Well, the wife is Peruvian. Got to give her credit. Bro. Black put on Sunday Night Football...that was distracting BUT we got him to at least mute it to share a scripture...and it was a good one (Helaman 5:10-11) and then their sons started to argue about how bad the sacrament passing pattern is...but we got out somehow. It was pretty sweet...that family is really kind towards us. I love meeting so many people out here...I know California was for me. We went contacting, ran into Larsen and Garcia, contacted people and walked a drunk guy home with the other guys. Garcia and Woods ended up teaching him how to overcome his addiction while Larsen and I watched...the man was on the bottom step, Larsen and I were above him and the other two were in chairs facing him and facing us. I was a spectator since I have had NO experience helping someone get over addictions. They taught well. Then home, phone calls for numbers, faxed them in...and bed. Tiring. I couldn't sleep since I took a nap. I was a bit stressed considering one of my elders got in trouble with getting too involved with a local member...darn young guys.

Saturday was busy as heck. As was Friday. We were trying to find potentials at home and we went place to place...and we got the call for McGahee's ET on the way home. That was a downer. We met with the Reseda Spanish ward's HPGL Rick Sanchez and he referred some people to us as well as gave us ideas of how we can conduct Bible study in his apartment building (he's the manager). We went to one of the referrals and she invited us in, as well as asked questions on the pre-existence. Rick lent her a book written by Joseph Fielding Smith! And she said it makes sense, growing up Catholic she didn't understand a lot of things. Really cool short lesson. Our next person was home, but spoke Spanish so we told her we'll call her back later...then we went to stop by the Togiola's (less actives) and got to share a scripture with them...and they promised they'll come to church. We'll believe that when we see that. But, they love us and I just wish I could love them with all my heart...but they gotta come to church! The Luna's were way awesome as usual...we ate tortas for dinner and they were amazing! And we took pictures since McGahee was leaving...and had a good time. Swapped stories and just got along great. Cindy, the mom, asked us about temple classes so I just told her to talk to the bishop about it. But, she's excited for it!

Friday! District meeting! Training went well...sorta but we got the job done. We've been pushing more interactive we're getting better at it. We trained on how to use the scriptures...and we did well considering it had to be fast and yet powerful. We had the question, 'what is hell? who goes there?' Alma 40 said Elder Woods, and I had no idea on the spot. So I learned something. We had a great appointment with Mike and he is really excited to go through with this...he just doesn't want to move out and leave this less active and her two kids out in the cold. Well...have faith! Our appointments canceled so we went contacting and tried to find people at home...and ended up contacting a pretty sweet couple along the way to a ward missionary's home. The man, John, is Christian as well as his wife. He's a bit cynical and a bit down because he got diagnosed with cancer. But, as we listened, we were prompted to talk about a modern-day prophet. His wife (we were talking at the fence) came out and seemed really interested. She said her mind couldn't get over it, but they were open to us. Pretty sweet, considering we were just trying to check up on our ward missionary, Bro. Matanyan (he's Armenian). We shared a scripture with the Matanyan's and they fed us some snacks and apple was a really warm and friendly evening. I just love that family because they're humble but they're the model of a humble and loving family. What a great blessing!

Thursday I was on exchanges in Sherman Oaks and I was the third man since we still had a trio. I felt relaxed, not having to worry about stuff as much. And I saw the need for a change in that companionship because they know each other very well it's kind of annoying. But, it was FUN! We got to teach their Iranian investigator, Kareem, and it was the best lesson I've taught on exchanges I have to say. We were working transitions, seemed a bit clumsy, but we were in sync or in the zone with the Spirit. I was sweating a lot because it was hot in there (Sara and Tayler were like 'DUDE YOU WERE SWEATING SO MUCH! We thought you had poured water on your head!...yeah not fun being all sweaty and nasty). We had some great ribs for dinner and ended up passing by a really fun active family, the Gallegos'. We committed their daughters to take notes at conference (which I'm pumped for!). That'll be interesting how they'll follow up on it. So it was a fun but a great exchange.

Wednesday was a blur, as was Tuesday. I can't remember a thing to be honest. I know ZDM was Wednesday, but other than mind is blank. Sorry about that. Wednesday we had splits with the Elder's Quorum and they got to find a less active family that we've been passing by for a bit. They stood us up for the next appointment, go figure. McGahee went with Bro. Nygren and Woods and I stayed together. We passed by a really crazy less active- we aren't going back anymore. She's just 'worthless' in the context that she has to prove to us she loves the church...she doesn't come but tells us she will time and time again. She gets mad at us if we don't call her. Tuesday was interviews with mission president...and it was pretty cool. I had to give my point of view on the district, and I feel I'll stay...but mission president was non-committal so I have no idea at this point. Sister Goodrich did give me that stare that I should get my hair cut so I promised her, without her telling me, that I'll get one this coming p-day.

This week was fun, no doubt! Busy as bees! Gosh, this work rocks!

As for transfers, we find out General Conference morning who stays and goes (so that's this coming Saturday!). I'm feeling I'll stay, but who knows? I might go Spanish again! I just know that wherever I go that's where God wants me to be.

All is well....all is well!

I love you all, keep safe!
